Over the last couple of months three people have joined the Longestdrive team to take part in the future challenges:
Marc Bronzel from Germany joined in November with a view to take part in the North South run. Marc is another racing driver and car fanatic. He is a successful businessman and this has enabled him to follow his passion of driving cars on a part time basis. By applying the same dedication and motivation as he uses in his ‘day job’ to his racing, he has achieved some fine results. The highlight is a third place and podium spot in the gruelling Nurburgring 24H race in 2010 driving an Audi R8 GT3.
Will Scryver is an experienced film photographer and part time racing driver and he will both be driving the car and make a travelogue from inside the car recording events as they unfold. He has raced a Lotus Elise in many endurance events including Dubai 24h and at the Hungaroring 6h.
Campbell Fraser is from New Zealand but is living in London. Campbell is not a racing driver but has been closely involved in the sport as an organiser for the national New Zealand team in the A1GP series. Campbell took part in the ‘Russian’ challenge and is joining Longestdrive again for the challenge which is closer to his native home. As Fraser himself said “I have been to most parts of the world, but this will be something completely different”.
Ian Gray is not driving the Porsche Cayenne, but is working as technical support through Stuart Taylor Motorsport back in the UK. Ian has been working with classic cars for a number years, building Formula One replicas and other classic cars for customer racing from the workshop based in Staffordshire. His technical knowledge and skills have proved invaluable in preparing the Porsche Cayenne for the Australian challenge. In addition to his technical expertise, he is also contributing with practical solutions to other parts of the planning process.