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The Longest Drive. The Trip Was Interrupted by a Road Accident

TLD Team

On May 11, The Longest Drive team had to stop their trip across two continents.  The car was heavily damaged after hitting a zebra during the night in Tanzania. It was immediately clear, that repair would not be possible on sight and require help of a fully equipped Porsche workshop. Wild animals are one of the main threats and problems for drivers at a nighttime in Tanzania.

The Team were 4800 km away from the finish point and right on target to beat both planned records.  Until the crash, the team didn’t face any serious technical problems with the car – Porsche Cayenne was working well even on diesel fuel of a very average quality. At the same time the whole organization behind the drive was done perfectly being able to tackle arising challenges as they appeared.

The Longest Drive wants to express gratitude to sponsors, supporters, family members, and all followers on Facebook – their help was really appreciated by the team.

Team members are discussing the possibility to do the second attempt and finally conquer two continents. They saw big attention to the project in traditional and social media.

Here are some facts:

  • almost 11 000 web site page views during the trip,

  • almost 3000 unique visitors,

  • more than 3000 followers of Facebook page,

  • the most popular posts were viewed by more than 13 400 people,

  • daily Facebook posts have reached almost 19 000 people,

  • dozens of publications devoted to the project were issued by European media,

  • the team was followed by people from all over the world, but the biggest attention The Longest Drive attracted in Denmark, Germany, UK, South Africa, Egypt, Romania and Ukraine.

To satisfy the interest of the people supporting the project and to reach the goal, the team is ready to spend two more weeks in the car driving the challenging route again.

As announced earlier, The Longest Drive team started their trip from North Cape (Norway) on May, 2 and planned to reach Cape Agulhas in under 11 days, driving almost 19 000 km via London and Cape Town.

Hope for your continuous support!

Best Regards,

The Longest Drive Team

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Driven by Passion...

Jan - the visionary and founder of The Longest Drive and many more! Tons of experience and a dose of insanity drives him to make his and other dreams become true.

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