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TLD will hit the road again!

Updated: Jan 6, 2019

The Longest Drive and Beyond Adventure will send Jan Kalmar and Dietmar Ulrich out to test their limits in the Intercontinental Rally to Dakar from January 21stuntil February 3rd, 2019. They will pilot the famous Zebra Porsche Cayenne through captivating landscapes while conquering the famous rally route. They will pass through some of the most spectacular scenery’s in Morocco, Mauritania and Senegal.

Tag along the ultimate the adventures of Jan and Didi who will pursue the tracks of Ari Vatanen, Jacky Ickx, Jutta Kleinschmidt and Carlos Sainz and dive into the Dakar spirit on a journey that follows most of the original Paris-Dakar Rally Raid tracks.

They are bracing themselves for unpredictable driving conditions, long driving hours and extreme temperatures. And they are for sure ready to dig their specially prepared Porsche Cayenne out of the dunes and race against the times of the other competitors. Each day they will face new surprises and unexpected challenges

There are different routes and race categories to choose from: The lite route is starting in Almeria/Spain and ending in Dakhla/Morocco, the full route ends on the shores of Lac Rose in Senegal. Both routes are divided into different race categories. One is a physically demanding and navigationally challenging competition that will even test the most seasoned rally veterans, the other is a more relaxed experience for adventurers who want to explore the legendary tracks by themselves.
Jan Kalmar and Dietmar Ulrich will participate in the race class all the way to Dakar going up against the big contenders. “It’s an all new experience for us. Normally we go 24 hours a day with medium speed, now it seems like nice short stages of 10-12 hours but with a bigger push – and sometimes with no clear tracks. But we are looking forward fulfill our childhood dream of racing to Dakar “, says Jan Kalmar.
But there is space for more adventures. You can still sign in with Beyond Adventure to be part of this endeavor if you dare to take on the Trans-Africa rally. We will help you to test your boundaries. This experience is a must do for motor enthusiasts who look for an extraordinary challenge.
(To join this journey some prior training sessions are mandatory).
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