Day 3: Lots and lots of driving ..
Western Australia is big and almost empty, except from the bats stuck in the front of the car … we have been ‘eating’ km’s and are heading for Perth within the next 14 hours.. All have found their rhythm in the car meaning longer sleeps and less jetlag. The mood is a lot better.. and yes !!! We have passed the half-way point .. hoping for time under 6 days..
Weather is crazy with 40 deg and a drop within 10 min to 24 deg and very heavy rain. Australia has it all.
The mud bath in Queensland was more than that – the ‘mossies’ have been feasting on me – I have at least 50 bites. Peter has been nominated to “Best Driving Sandwich Maker In A Cayenne Diesel Award“ and Jan beat the 2 co-drivers with “ I spy with my little eye.. “ Yes we are in survival mode. Will is sleeping…
We have now done 7543 km in less than 3 days. Not bad, I may say. The Car is having a warm time but is as always doing perfectly (fingers crossed).
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Peter on mechanical ‘duty’