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North America


At the end of the first challenge, the team decided, that they should continue to drive across the world on the 48th latitude which meant that Canada should be crossed. Little did they know that it would take quite a long time to continue the quest due to a variety of practical reasons.

So when Jan Kalmar suggested in Autumn of 2012 that the journey should continue, it was like the start of a whole new The Longest Drive, but we soon got into the swing of things again. We were ready to go in February but were advised against this due to the wintery conditions we might encounter.

In the end, the journey lasted 3 days 5 hours and 49 minutes – not bad for 7,363km (more than 4,000miles) and only speeding once!

The experience of crossing this varied continent from the lush and varied landscape on the Pacific Coast – crossing the Rockies – coming down over the Central  Plains to the forests of Quebec and Newfoundland is something that will stay with the guys for a long time.

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